The way we communicate evolves so fast, due to technological advances and increasing internet access, that today we can already interact with each other without proximity being a requirement, thanks to virtual reality headsets.
We`ve heard the term Virtual Reality (VR) and imagined it as something far in the future. However, technology has advanced at such a remarkable speed that now we can already talk about gadgets that allows us to replicate an environment far from us and interact with it. Games and movies were some of the first scenarios in which devices of virtual reality were added; and, because of its success into making experiences -even created ones- to seem more realistic, the efforts have now been concentrated into making social interactions possible, regardless of people being apart from each other.
At the begin of October, Oculus VR presented its newest model of virtual reality headset, the “Oculus Rift” that enables users to call home and interact with family and friends relying only in a strong internet connection. This is the first step. The company is working towards creating platforms that´ll allow groups of people wearing the device to interact on a simulated world, with customized avatars to be easily identify by acquaintances.
With the launch of the “Oculus Rift” and the demand of society to improve the ways in which we connect, it`s easy to imagine our social experiences leading to a virtual world, where distances are no longer impediments for families being closer, businesses working better and societies connecting faster. It’s a true revolution that’ll certainly alter the way we interrelate worldwide, influencing even in economics and politics, bringing even nations together all thanks to a virtual reality device and a wireless connection.