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Although the term Internet of Things (IoT) began to be used in 1999, in the last weeks a large number of people talked about it. As the European Comission announced, Internet of Thingsis “a technology and a market development based on the inter-connection of everyday objects among themselves and applications”. IoT has also been in the spotlight during this edition of The International CES, one of the greatest consumer electronics and technology tradeshows held last week in Las Vegas, NV.

The idea about the term is that there will be more things connected in the Internet than people connected through it. Although, the connection between devices will become an intelligent system of systems.

The amount of devices connected in the Internet has grown hugely in the recent years. The estimated number of this kind of objects will be around 5 Billion at the end of 2015. However, and as a Cisco study estimates, there will be 50 Billion devices and objects connected to the Internet by 2020. Not everything connected to the Internet will be computers, smartphones, tablets and televisions. Actually, all of them will represent only 1/3 of the whole devices. The other 2/3 will be sensors and newly invented intelligent devices that monitor, control, analyse and optimize our world.

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 netneutrality blog netneutrality blog

Smartphones and tablets have been, for the last five years, one of the most popular Christmas gifts worldwide. According to a Cisco study based on Global Mobile Data Traffic, during this 2014 the number of mobile-connected devices has exceeded the number of world population. This trend has been reflected in the Internet use: last year, the global mobile data traffic increased 81%. But this tendency does not have symptoms of changes. The most important e-commerce companies and technological business agree that during this Christmas, mobile devices will continue on the top of the most popular gift lists, where is going to appear smartwatches as well.

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 netneutrality blog netneutrality blog

Net Neutrality

US media have talked about “Net Neutrality” throughout the year because it has become one of the most important, as well as controversial, issues for Obama and for its administration. This principal’s idea is that Internet service providers should enable access to all content equally, regardless of the source, without favoring particular websites.

There are two clear positions about the importance to drive a net neutrality or not. Some of the Internet Service Providers (ISP) are totally against net neutrality and support “fast lanes”: the websites from the companies who pay extra money will be uploaded faster than the other ones. Contrary, there are several users associations, like The Internet Association, who believe Internet “should be free from censorship, discrimination and anticompetitive behavior”.

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Thanksgiving Day is not only an important day to reunite families in the US, but also a benchmark in the economy of the country, that for many companies will showcase the success, or not, of their products during the holiday season. Next November 27th would be a record day for online sales in US. According to Adobe System study, the increase of an approximate 27%, will represent a hit of $1.35 billion. Furthermore, predictions say the best online deals will be in this day with an average discounts of 24%, versus 20% for the whole week.

Mobile devices impact

The US mobile online market is expected to grow to new dimensions, with smartphone penetration as high as 90% and over 40% of tablets. Actually, at least 50% of internet traffic is coming from mobile devices.

According to OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, almost the 50% of population used an e-commerce company last year, in comparison of the 30% in 2007. The statistics also show that e-commerce penetration is higher with youngsters, due to the percentage of adult people between 25 – 44 years old who bought online reached 63.6% in 2013. The average of citizens worldwide who used mobile devices to buy items was the 9%, although the numbers in the top three countries rose up to 19%. On the other hand, more than 32% of users have changed their mind about a purchase after researching the same product via mobile, while onsite on the store. In addition, 67% of online shoppers will call a business directly for any purchase greater than $100. Keep Reading →
