It seems that it was in the year 498 when San Valentines was celebrated the first time. Not in every country St Valentines belongs to a mere commercial celebration, it has served for many years as the perfect occasion to talk about love or feelings to those special people around you.
Members of the International Telecommunications Industry calculates that on St Valentines the voice traffic might increase about 30% of a regular Sunday. Although it depends on the country, is still a very nice volume of traffic to be received by those in the telecommunication business of voice.
Speaking about voice, according to recent studies, women talk at least 3 times more than men. A report published last year by the Daily Mail in the UK a regular woman might talk at least 20 thousand words a day, which is still 13 thousand more than regular man. What do we talk so much about?
Truth or false, I just hope this Valentines Day you and your customers call friends, family and those beloved ones as much as any other women will talk into any given day, that means at least 3 times more of volumen of traffic… that doesn’t hurt anyone!
Happy Valentines!
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