Thinking that there is about 2.5 devices per person, and that we can receive and generate information via any of them, users are becoming the content generators and customers are being acquire just through a simple click!
Unlike other domestic gadgets, using connected devices to a network is very common. A multiplatform user changes an average of 27 times a day device. We move in between different screens that function as information mediators, and according to an executive a recent demonstration by a Account Manager of Google in Spain, we can find different types of use:
-Sequential use, from one device to another, such as planning a trip. Sequential use is 85% of not simultaneous use.
-Multitask use, using more than one device at the same time for different activities, such as watching TV and using Twitter at the same time from Mobile. In this case 78% of the simultaneous use is multitask.
-Complementary use, using different devices with the same goal, an example would be to follow the elections or party on TV and the web. Which in this case could be up to a 22% of the simultaneous use.
Making sure your company has presence in more than one platform generates reputation and is the way to satisfy the needs of different users, gaining direct access to your company website, and most likely increasing your sales.
This close relationship with users from different platforms increases the interaction, presence and confidence. Although mobile sales still generate some suspicion, the mobile information is very relevant to the user.
Information provided with data from the presentation Mobile Revolution, on Friday 21 of January, 2014,
in the Mobile World Centre of Barcelona.
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